Virgin, unadulterated tonics.
Symmetry Tonics are produced in their true concentrated form, made from whole botanicals with minimal sugar content.
A quarter of the sugar content of regular tonic, each recipe is made to be appreciated not only as a mixer but also on its own. The addition of various botanicals brings aromatics, savoury and bitter flavours without requiring large amounts of sugar.
Standard serving is: 50ml of Tonic with 150-200ml of carbonated water
As gin is more often enjoyed in a G&T, our GG needed its yang, a nemesis to our hero, a polar opposite to set off the delicacy of Geometric Gin.
When served with Geometric Gin and carbonated water, the mutual botanicals combine and the yin and yang come together in perfect harmony, creating the GG&T.
Extracted from a selection of fresh citrus zests and Buchu giving its distinctive aroma. Buchu, part of the Fynbos Floral Kingdom, is traditionally used for digestive ailments. We find it growing in the wild on the mid slopes of the Cape Mountains.
Extracted from fragrant spices and Cape Snowbush (Kapokbos) which grows wild across the Cape. Foraged from the Atlantic Coast and the dry Swartland, it is known for its herbaceous perfume and medicinal properties against coughs and colds.
Extracted from lavender, chamomile and leaves from the pungently fragrant Rose-scented Pelargonium. We find this indigenous plant in the cooler mountain areas of the Cape, prized for its beautiful musky rose scent.